Life got super crazy after I started work on this website. I haven’t been able to update it very often, not nearly as often as I had wanted to. We’ve been trying to sell our house and that effort has taken more time, more energy and more resources than we expected – and we expected a lot! (Except for time, our neighbor’s house sold in 9 days so we didn’t expect it to take so long!) I just saw a new article on increasing earthquakes that had research coming out of the University of Colorado on the heels of the two big quakes in Japan and Equador though, so I wanted to get that posted. I never meant this site to be exhaustive, that would be an impossible goal. But I had meant to add more information than I’ve gotten accomplished. Please forgive me. Hopefully there is enough here however to demonstrate the plausibility of the argument that Biblical End Times Prophecy is coming true. Perhaps the statement of the prophecies along with plausible news reports that point to fulfillment of those prophecies will make someone think twice about eternity and open their Bibles, and follow Jesus. Time feels very short! And we are never guaranteed a tomorrow. Whether Jesus comes back this week, this year, or not for 100 more years, one thing is certain: our life on this Earth will end. Where will you spend eternity? There are only two options. Heaven or Hell. There is no third option. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me.” Will you follow Jesus? His path leads to life eternal! The other path leads to death and torment. I hope you will choose life. I hope to see you at that banqueting table seated with the Father someday!